PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Carlos Oliveira

CreativeMinds currently has six WordPress add-ons that integrate with PeepSo, and we plan to increase this number in the future.

PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

This combination enables WordPress website managers to add social networks features such as virtual communities, user interaction, and payments on their websites. These plugins are:

Tooltip Glossary, Questions and Answer, Download Manager, MicroPayments, Routes Manager, and Locations Manager.

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What is PeepSo?

What is PeepSo? - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

A sample PeepSo user profile - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Sample PeepSo profile. Click to enlarge (Source: PeepSo)

Launched in 2015, PeepSo is an open source social network plugin for WordPress. Much like WordPress, it’s free and can be extensively adapted through plugins.

These plugins can add or enhance functionalities such as groups, targeted ads, profiles, chat, reactions, and more.

With just the basic plugin (called PeepSo Core), it already hosts a plethora of social features. For example, users can create customizable avatars, write posts to profiles or the activity stream and interact by commenting, sharing and more.

The admin, in turn, has extensive control over the social network. The main tool for this management is a dashboard with an overview of the community and statistics.

What can I integrate with PeepSo?

CreativeMinds created specific add-ons to integrate some of our most popular products to PeepSo. This ensures maximum compatibility between the services. Check the capabilities of each:

Tooltip Glossary – PeepSo Integration Add-On

WPIcon_add_GlossarypeepsoTooltip Glossary Allows any website to host its own glossary of terms and definitions, display the information in an easy and engaging way. Upon defining a glossary term in the glossary, each occurrence of it will become highlighted in all posts and pages. Read more.

+ PeepSo Integration The tooltip now appears inside the PeepSo content, such as posts, and each member can contribute with new terms. This allows for building a community glossary while keeping the admin with the power to moderate content.

Note: requires the Glossary Community Terms add-on.


Glossary terms dashboard in user profile - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Glossary Terms dashboard in PeepSo user profile

Questions and Answers – PeepSo Integration Add-On

Questions and Answers The plugin allows you to create discussion boards and Question and Answers system forums on WordPress. Users can post their doubts or replies, upload files, comment on existing topics and also vote for the best forum contributions. Read more.

+ PeepSo Integration Includes a new tab which shows questions and answers posted by members. These postings also appear in the community activity stream.


Answers forum with link to Peepso profile - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Answers forum linking a PeepSo profile


Questions and Answers – PeepSo Integration Add-On - Video tutorial - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Download Manager – PeepSo Integration Add-On

WPIcon_add_CMDMPeepSODownload Manager Creates a file sharing directory where users can upload and download files, videos and images. Supports file access restrictions, upload moderation and payments through its add-ons. Read more.

+ PeepSo Integration Users have the ability to share files with other members or groups within PeepSo based on specific access restriction rules which the admin can set.

The add-on can also be integrated with the MicroPayment plugin allowing the users to gain and spend virtual currency for uploading or downloading files.


Download tab in PeepSo user profile - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Download tab in PeepSo user profile


Peepso Addon - Video tutorial - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

MicroPayments – PeepSo Integration Add-On

WPIcon_add_PeepSO-MicroPaymentMicroPayments Adds support for having your own “virtual currency” on your WordPress website. This allows administrators to provide and batch in-site transactions without requiring external payment processing for each purchase, making the customer payment process quicker & easier. Read more.

+ PeepSo Integration Member receive digital wallets and can win or spend points for actions done with PeepSo. These actions are managed by the admin and include posting comments, questions or answers in PeepSo.


PeepSO User Wallet tab - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

PeepSo user wallet tab


How to Manage a WordPress Advertising Campaign - Video tutorial - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Routes Manager – PeepSo Integration Add-On

RoutePeepso-1Routes Manager Allows users to draw routes and generate a catalog of Google Map routes and trails with points of interest (locations). Read more.

+ PeepSo Integration Each PeepSo community member can post new routes with images, videos, text and an Interactive Google map showing the exact route trail on the map.


Route inside the PeepSo interface - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Route inside the PeepSo interface


Peepso Addon Routes - Video tutorial - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Locations Manager – PeepSo Integration Add-On

WPIcon_add_LocationManagerpeepsoLocations Manager Manages locations and supports location finder using Google Maps. Includes tooltip support, location description, zip search, customized markers, interactive map and images for each location. Read more.

+ PeepSo Integration Adds the ability to share Google maps with location information within the community, including images, videos, and texts.


Location Manager PeepSo integration - user  posted locations - PeepSo: Make Your WordPress Website Social With These Top Add-ons

Location Manager PeepSo integration – user posted locations

Why build a social network instead of focusing on Facebook?

This is an important question and the PeepSo crew wrote a nice article about this topic.

To sum it up, by having your own social network, you get much more control. You can tailor it to match you and your users’ interests and needs. The financial aspect is a big plus too: you can display your own ads, instead of Facebook’s.

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