Secure File Sharing Directory in WordPress

Ditsa Keren

A WordPress File Sharing Directory allows users to easily find and download files and documents whenever they need them. By implementing this feature, you can give your clients access to files in a controlled and secure environment.

Watch this tutorial video to learn how to create a file sharing WordPress directory and enhance your site’s file share-ability by utilizing the Download and File Manager plugin by CreativeMinds.

Secure File Sharing Directory in WordPress

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What you will find in this video:

Creating a custom secure file sharing directory on the downloads page

The Download and File Manager offers a built-in support forum feature for downloads, allowing users to post questions and share their feedback.

The plugin provides shortcodes that make it easy to insert download links anywhere on your WordPress website – into blog posts, widgets, images, or other site sections. Users can click on these links to initiate file downloads directly from the page the user is browsing.

You can also activate an audio or video player for multimedia files. This allows users to play the media files directly on your site without downloading them.

The WP Download and File Manager allows you to specify which file extensions can be uploaded to your site. This feature adds a layer of control and security, ensuring only desired file types are shared within your file sharing directory.

WordPress File Sharing Directory – Video tutorial

Audio Download Example

How to Create a Great WordPress File Sharing Directory with Download and File Manager Plugin- Video Tutorial

Plugin File List Widget

Tracking uploads and downloads made on your site through your WordPress file sharing directory

    Viewing and tracking your uploads and downloads on the downloads index page

  • Indexing downloads according to categories
  • Adding files for download
  • Access control and password protection configuration and modification
  • Defining the plugin’s notifications system
Download and File Manager Plugin
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