5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

Courtney Jones

RSS Post Importer plugins facilitate the automatic importation of content from RSS feeds directly into a website, sparing users the need for manual updates. With customizable settings, you can dictate how frequently the plugin checks for and imports updates.

Let’s have a look at the top five tools akin to RSS post importer plugins that have revolutionized content management.

5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

RSS Post Importer Plugin: What is it?

An RSS post importer plugin is an essential tool for website administrators seeking to automate content management. These plugins enable the automatic import and integration of content from RSS feeds directly into a website, eliminating the need for manual updates.

By configuring settings such as update frequency and content filtering, users can ensure a steady influx of fresh and relevant information without constant supervision. These plugins not only save time but also enrich a website’s content diversity by consolidating material from various sources.

They provide a seamless way to organize, categorize, and display imported posts, maintaining a coherent and engaging online presence. Ultimately, RSS post importer plugins serve as efficient assistants, simplifying the process of content aggregation and enhancing the overall user experience.

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Key Elements of a Good RSS Post Importer Plugin For WordPress

The best RSS post importer plugins should offer you a suite of essential features that can greatly simplify content management on your WordPress site. The three most important ones are:

1. Import from Multiple Sources

This feature enables users to easily manage multiple import sources, which ensures a diverse range of content from various channels can be efficiently overseen and integrated into the site.

2. Full-Text Import

Importing complete text content along with optional images ensures an authentic representation of the original material on the WordPress site.

This feature maintains content integrity by presenting the entirety of the source material, enhancing the site’s credibility, and offering users a consistent experience.

3. Import Settings Customization

You’ll have exceptional flexibility in customizing the schedule for importing content, refining what’s brought in through filters, controlling the number of posts imported, structuring the content in different ways, attributing authors, setting publication dates, and categorizing content efficiently using tags and categories.

This level of customization ensures precise control over how content appears on your site.

The following list of RSS post importer plugins are the most popular options, and include the most versatile features. These plugins are both free and paid, and are easily customizable to your WordPress site’s needs. These plugins do all the work for you, so all you have to do is install the plugin and you’re all set to go.

1) RSS Post Importer Plugin for WordPress

The CreativeMinds RSS Post Importer plugin lets users import full RSS posts from multiple RSS feeds. This plugin is the best tool for syndicating, importing, curating, merging, and displaying full-text RSS and Atom feeds for your WordPress site.

This plugin is a great content marketing tool that can schedule posts and filter by keywords.

RSS Post Importer plugin - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

This WordPress RSS multi importer plugin includes a user-friendly template for formatting imported content to your site. This unique feature displays not only the full text but also the full image in the post.

Users can schedule imports, filter content, limit posts, and manage post types, authors, publication dates, categories, and tags effortlessly. The plugin tracks imported content, supports featured images, offers a widget for displaying recent posts, and allows easy feed duplication or re-importation.

Its SEO compatibility and integration with Feedburner-based RSS feeds further enhance its utility, making it an essential tool for efficient WordPress content management that offers extensive customization options at an accessible price point.

RSS Feed Setting Screen - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

RSS Feed Setting Screen

RSS Feed Post Template Setting Screen - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

RSS Feed Post Template Setting Screen

2) RSS Post Importer

RSS Post Importer - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

The RSS Post Importer is an easy-to-use and powerful WordPress plugin that publishes full RSS posts. The plugin lets users import from multiple RSS feeds to easily share content without rewriting it themselves.

Every post functions as an independent entity on your WordPress site, allowing effortless scheduling for future publication.

RSS Post Importer Settings - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

This plugin is an excellent option for news aggregators, content syndicators, company blogs, current events bloggers, and both small and large businesses. The increased content sharing will also increase your overall site traffic.

The RSS Post Importer is available for free and has good support as well.

3) WP RSS Aggregator

WP RSS Aggregator - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

The WP RSS Aggregator is a comprehensive plugin for RSS feed importing. This plugin imports, merges, and displays RSS and Atom feeds on your WordPress site easily. The free version enables users to import an unlimited amount of RSS feeds to your site.

Feed Items Screenshot - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

The WP RSS Aggregator plugin lets users display feed items via shortcode, and is very customizable with various themes. Users can easily limit the feed items with various filters and set age limits. A unique feature is that the plugin opens YouTube, DailyMotion and Vimeo videos directly.

4) WPeMatico

WPeMatico - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

WPeMatio is an RSS post importer plugin that is ideal for content bloggers who want automation. The images from the RSS feeds are automatically uploaded to the WordPress image library and saved. Users can also automatically add categories from all posts and the plugin is user-friendly.

Campaigns screenshot - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

WPeMatico is a multilingual-ready RSS post importer plugin, and users can choose to add images from the RSS feeds. The plugin is great for any blogger who wants to automatically generate and schedule content through RSS feeds, quickly and efficiently. This free plugin is top-rated and has excellent support.

5) WP Pipes

WP Pipes - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

WP Pipes is a great way to pipe content from RSS feeds for complete data integration. The plugin lets users import RSS feeds to posts, create RSS feeds, CSV importers, and automatically post to social media.

The plugin was created for newspaper and magazine companies to reach mass amounts of people more easily.

WP Pipes screenshot - 5 Best RSS Post Importer Plugins for WordPress Sites

WP Pipes is unique because it enables content from RSS feeds to go out to various places and as well input the content. The plugin includes various keyword filters and prevents duplicate content from coming in or going out.

This RSS post importer plugin also allows posts to be scheduled one at a time or in bulk.


The RSS post importer plugins listed here stand out as top-tier options, each offering a range of valuable features tailored to meet diverse needs. These plugins are a perfect fit for niche-specific WordPress sites aiming to automate blog content or extend their reach to larger audiences.

Designed to make content management simpler, they excel in pulling complete posts, including images, from RSS feeds.

Their user-friendly interfaces and robust functionalities make them an ideal choice for efficiently curating and presenting comprehensive content, whether it’s for specialized blogs or broader audience engagement.

With their reliable performance and versatile capabilities, these RSS post importer plugins serve as indispensable tools for enhancing content diversity and streamlining content dissemination on WordPress sites.

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