Replace WordPress Comments with the Questions & Answers Plugin

Ditsa Keren

Having a WordPress website gives you the chance to interact with your users on a daily basis. Our plugin is a game-changer for engaging your audience. Say goodbye to ordinary comments and hello to a new realm of dynamic discussions, where user engagement takes center stage. With our WordPress forum plugin and its comments functionality, your website will become a thriving hub of conversations, connecting visitors in a way that’s both intuitive and exciting.

Replace WordPress Comments with the Questions & Answers Plugin

The commenting feature is an alternative to replace WordPress comments on your website, with no third-party involvement between questions and comments. It allows administrators to replace WordPress comments with a discussion forum on each page or post.

Setting in each page or post to replace WordPress comments with Q&A forum - Questions & Answers Plugin Works as Replacement for WordPress Comments

Setting in each page or post to replace WP comments with the Questions and Answers Q&A forum

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With Questions and Answers, you can also assign a different discussion forum for each page or post. Additionally, you can choose to group the discussion together under a common forum.

This feature allows for multiple WordPress forums to be present on various posts or pages throughout your WordPress site and easily replace WordPress comments.

Defined discussion forum replacing the WordPress comments - Questions & Answers Plugin Works as Replacement for WordPress Comments

Defined discussion forum replacing the comments

The output of the discussion forum is shown at the bottom of the page or the post. This becomes an integral part of the content of the website’s pages, since it appears on every page. This feature also adds page ranking that enhances the SEO performance of each page, as well as the overall website.

Discussion forum shown in a post when you replace WordPress comments with CM Answers forum - Questions & Answers Plugin Works as Replacement for WordPress Comments

Discussion forum shown in a post

Our Questions and Answers plugin offers a compelling WordPress Comments functionality worth exploring. With a variety of helpful features and a fully customizable design, this plugin easily integrates comments to any post or page on your WordPress site.

The comments are also easily viewed by both admin and users to help improve communication across the web pages.

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