Popup Forms Builder Add-on for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Popup Forms Builder Addon For WordPress

The Popup Forms Builder add-on provides a form builder to seamlessly create and integrate interactive forms inside a popup anywhere on your website, allowing users to engage and submit responses.
Requires CM PopUp Pro.
WordPress Version
5.4.0 or Higher
Tested up to
WordPress 6.6.X
June 10, 2024
5.7 - 8.2.X

Popup Forms Builder Add-on for WordPress Description

Do you want to catch the attention of your users so that they answer important questions?

Use the Popup Forms Builder add-on and implement forms on pop-up, fly-in and full-screen banners anywhere on your website.

Visual Form Builder

Form Builder
Form Builder
Create complete online forms with the in-built form builder, no coding required.

Add fields simply by dragging them with the mouse with the friendly WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) interface.

Add contact forms, feedback forms, or even support ticket forms to your website.

Fields You Can Add to the Form

Some examples of what you can ask with each field:

  1. Text - Names, emails, websites, notes, feedback
  2. Number - Telephone number, registration ID, ticket
  3. Dropdown - Title, gender, age group, country, state
  4. Date - Registration date, birthdate, membership cancellation plan
  5. Radio (single choice) - Where did you hear about us, budget
  6. Checkbox (multiple choices) - Interests, available weekdays
Example Form inside banner – WP Popup Form Builder Add-on
Example Form inside banner – WP Popup Form Builder Add-on

Using the Pop-up Form Builder Add-on

  • Use the Form Builder – The add-on comes with a fully-fledged online form builder, allowing to include fields with a drag-and-drop interface
  • Improve the Form – Ask visitors their name, email, birth date, site, telephone and much more. Mark fields as required if you need
  • Add Web Form – Include one or more web forms in different campaigns with a single mouse click!
  • Receive Message – Every submission will be sent to an email address of choice
  • MailPoet Integration – Easily add MailPoet forms

Pop-up Form Banner Use Case Examples

  • Lead Capture – Add a catchy banner to landing pages and ask for information about all users
  • Feedback Form – If a user is inactive for more than 30 seconds, display a banner asking if there is any problem
  • Additional Information – When a visitor reaches the contact page, show a form only if he’s logged-in

Pop-up Form Banner Related Use Cases

Popup Forms Builder Add-on for WordPress Prerequisite Plugin

You need to have the CM PopUp plugin installed and activated before using this add-on.

Popup Forms Builder Add-on Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this add-on.

Visual Builder – Create complete forms without any coding knowledge
Multiple Fields – Include text, number, date and choice fields to create the ultimate form
Multiple Forms – Elaborate as many as you want: contact form, feedback form, ticket form, and so on
Forms Manager – Organize all forms from a single WordPress dashboard
Translate Messages – Customize the messages users see when they submit the form successfully or with errors
One-Click Form – Add forms to your pop-up campaign with a single mouse click
MailPoet Integration – Easily add MailPoet forms with the same handy shortcut

Popup Forms Builder Addon Image Gallery

Popup Forms Builder Addon Frequently Asked Questions

To learn more about the add-on, check the Forms Add-on Documentation.

What happens once a visitor fills the form?

The information will be sent to an email of your choice. Every form has one assigned email, and you can also customize the message that is sent.

Can I create more than one form?

Yes, you can create as many forms as you would like.

Do I need to code in order to use this add-on?

No. All the interface is created so you don’t have to code. The form builder, in particular, is visual and works by dragging elements across the screen.

Can I show different forms on different pages?

Yes. You can apply forms to different banner campaigns and trigger those only on specific pages.

Can I show forms only to logged-in users?

Yes. You can configure campaigns so that they will only trigger when the visitor is logged-in. That way, the pop-up will not be displayed to guests.

Can I register users with this form?

No. This add-on does not handle registrations.

We have a complete solution that handles registration with invitation codes and more. Check the #1 User Registration and Invitation Codes WordPress Plugin.

Is this add-on GDPR-compliant? Does it capture user data?

No, no data from visitors is captured by this specific add-on.

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal