7 Must Have Magento Extensions to Make Your Store a Success

Abigail Miller

These are the must have Magento extensions to make your store a roaring success.

7 Must Have Magento Extensions to Make Your Store a Success

7 Must Have Magento Extensions

Extensions add to the functionality of your Magento webstore. Not only do Magento extensions save you time, they can also help to vastly improve customer experience. It’s a win-win for both you and your customers.

Here are seven areas where Magento extensions are essential to your eCommerce store’s ongoing success.

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1. Social Media Extensions

Social Media Extensions - 7 Must Have Magento Extensions

Social commerce is one the rise. If you don’t already have a strong social media presence, it’s never too late to begin building one.

Once you’ve established your social media profiles, it’s a good idea to use tools that help you seamlessly integrate your Magento website and social media. There are lots of extensions that help you to do this, including our very own Facebook Direct Campaign Publishing Extension for Magento 2.

This handy must have extension for Magento allows you to promote products directly on your company Facebook page. Create multiple campaigns for products, share to Facebook, and get tracking analytics all in one extension. The extension saves time, and helps to bolster your social selling.

2. Blog Integration

Blogging is an essential tool for eCommerce stores. Having a dedicated company blog on your website helps to drive traffic, create inbound links, and get more pages indexed in search engines – as well as giving your visitors lots more high-quality content to browse too! All of these are giant pros for your online business.

As it stands, Magento doesn’t have an in-built blogging feature, making blog integration must have extensions for Magento. There are plenty of solutions for this job available on the market, including Amasty’s Blog Pro for Magento 2.

3. FAQ Page

FAQ Page - 7 Must Have Magento Extensions to Make Your Store a Success

We’ve talked before about why an FAQ page is important for your business. Having an FAQ saves you and your customers time; improves customer experience; and can even help to increase your online visibility. All of this makes an FAQ extension essential for all Magento stores.

The CM Fancy FAQ extension is the perfect addition to any Magento eCommerce store. With this extension, you can easily add and edit questions and answers. It comes with a host of helpful features – like a search function and categories to make your FAQ easier to navigate.

For more help crafting your FAQ, check out our guide on how to create an awesome FAQ page.

4. Streamlined Checkout

Another must have extension for Magento is one that streamlines your checkout process. Shoppers buy online for convenience. So to keep them coming back to you, your shopping experience needs to be the best it can be. That includes a no-nonsense checkout experience.

Your Magento checkout should be as simple and pain free as possible, and an extension is the best way to achieve this goal. The best checkout extensions provide a smooth checkout experience, are optimized for mobile shopping, and support multiple payment methods.

5. An Edit Orders Extension

An Edit Orders Extension - 7 Must Have Magento Extensions to Make Your Store a Success

Magento is a powerful, robust platform that’s great for building eCommerce stores. But, like with every platform, there are little niggles and missing features that would make life easier. One of them is the ability to edit orders without having to cancel and start over. That’s where the CM True Edit Orders extension comes in.

With our must have Magento extension, you can easily edit every part of an order. This includes items, shipping method, order status, and more! Mistakes happen and things change, so this extension takes the hassle out of editing orders.

6. SEO Suite

When it comes to online selling, SEO is king. SEO best practice should be embedded into everything you do. This ensures that get the search engine rank that you need for your business to be a success. However, if you’re not sure where to start with SEO, an extension can help manage the process.

Take the SEO Suite Ultimate by Mageworx. It comes with lots of excellent features that do the complicated SEO work for you. This kind of extension is really a must have for all Magento stores.

7. Re-Stock Notification

Re-Stock Notification - 7 Must Have Magento Extensions to Make Your Store a Success

Sometimes you run out of stock. It’s an unfortunate side-effect of selling well. The good news is, there’s an easy way to let your customers know when they item they want is back in stock. Add a re-stock notification extension to your Magento store to send alert customers when an item is back on your (virtual) shelves. It’s a must have.

The CM Notify Me When Back in Stock extension lets customers subscribe to email notifications for a particular product. Then, when the item is back in stock, they’ll automatically receive an email letting them know. This extension stops you missing out on potential custom when you run out of your best selling products.

The Best Magento Extensions

Magento is a great platform for building an eCommerce store. But, there’s no denying that adding extensions to your website can make your life considerably easier – and can even contribute to your store’s success!

To get the best out of Magento, there are some must have extensions that help to bolster and improve your website. To re-cap, the best Magento extensions are

  • Capable of extending the functionality of your store. This can be in a variety of ways – both small and large.
  • Optimized for mobile shopping.
  • Professionally made, with support available should you run into any trouble.
  • At Cminds we specialize in creating must have Magento extensions that are all of the above. We even offer bespoke services for Magento support and extension building. Get in touch with us today to find out more!

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