Email Registration Blacklist Plugin for WordPress by CreativeMinds

WordPress Email Registration Blacklist Plugin: Anti-Spam Plugin

The WordPress Email Registration Blacklist plugin enables administrators to prevent users from registering, commenting, or submitting forms on their WordPress site.
Administrators can block registration from specific emails or a list of domains. On the other hand, they also have the option to exclusively approve users or domains listed in a whitelist.
This WordPress blacklist plugin serves as a powerful tool to combat spam, manage IP blacklists and whitelists, control domain blacklists and whitelists, block domain registrations, filter out disposable emails, and get rid of unwanted users effectively.

WordPress Blacklist Plugin

The WordPress Blacklist plugin safeguards your WordPress site by prohibiting users from registering, posting comments, or submitting forms using banned domains and email addresses.

By using this WordPress anti-spam plugin you can minimize unwanted disturbances by limiting posting access to users with approved emails and domains only. It allows the application of automatically updated domain lists or manual blocking for even more effective control.

Protect your website from spam, malware, viruses, disposable emails, and undesired users for enhanced online security by installing and activating our WordPress blacklist plugin!

Restrict Site Registrations

Our WordPress blacklist plugin allows only users with authorized domains or certified email addresses to register and utilize your WordPress site.

It makes it easy to avoid unwanted spammers, viruses, and malware with one-click blacklisting.

The WordPress blacklist plugin can function in whitelist mode as well, restricting site registration to only approved domains or specified email lists.

Login Screen Showing Error Message Coming from the Plugin
Login Screen Showing Error Message Coming from the Plugin

Blocking Registration Attempts

Error Log Report Showing All Blocked Registrations
Error Log Report Showing All Blocked Registrations
Our blacklist plugin will automatically verify user registration attempts, comments, or form submissions on your WordPress site against the blacklist function or specified records of blacklisted or whitelisted domains and put them in the logs for you to analyze.

It filters and categorizes users based on their domain, email, and IP, allowing you to effectively manage and control access to your WordPress site.

Filtering Multiple Domains

Our plugin provides you with real time assistance in managing blacklisted domains. It uses several online methods as well as local plugin lists to detect whether a domain is blacklisted or not.

This proactive approach ensures that hackers and spammers face significant challenges in registering and posing a threat to your website's security!

This is achieved using the following banned domains detector online services:

  1. SpamAssassin - Using a list of free email domains downloaded from SpamAssassin
  2. DNSBL - Using the DNSBL online service
  3. WhiteLists and Blacklists - All this service can be used together with your own blacklists and whitelists domains lists or with your own banned emails list.

Free Domains List
Free Domains List

Blacklisting Domains

Domain Blacklist
Domain Blacklist
Utilize the block domain registration to avoid users from unwanted or suspicious sources.

This functionality ensures that any emails originating from these designated domains or listed email addresses will be promptly blocked, providing an additional layer of protection against potential threats and ensuring a safer online environment for your WordPress site.

Creating Email Blacklist

Add specific emails to the blacklist to block certain users.

People using these emails will not be allowed to register, post comments or fill up forms even if their domain is added to the domain whitelist.

Email Blacklist
Email Blacklist

Gmail Variations Support

Example of Blocking Gmail Variations
Example of Blocking Gmail Variations
Google allows its users to modify the email address by including dots or plus inside the address.

This applies to and accounts.

With the restrict email domains functionality you’ll be able to verify these email variations by adding to the blacklist just a 'clean' version of the email.

Whitelisting Domains

Add domains to the whitelist to allow emails with certain domains to register, post comments or fill up forms on your site.

It can be useful if you enable DNSBL Domain and Free Domain lists.

You can also allow users ONLY with whitelisted email domains.

Domain Whitelist
Domain Whitelist

Whitelisting Emails

Email Whitelist
Email Whitelist
Include email addresses in the whitelist to grant them permission for registration, commenting, or form submissions on your site.

These emails remain usable on your website, even if their associated domains are included in the domain blacklist. Additionally, you have the option to permit access exclusively to users with whitelisted email addresses.

Blacklisting Users Based on IP

Add IPs to the blacklist to avoid users from unwanted IPs.

Registration attempts from blacklisted IPs will be rejected. Additionally, you have the option to utilize wildcards to define a range of IP addresses for inclusion in the blacklist.

IP Blacklist
IP Blacklist

Adding IPs to the Whitelist

IP Whitelist
IP Whitelist
Add IPs to the whitelist to allow users from those IPs to register on your site.

Limiting registration exclusively to whitelisted IPs is an option. Utilizing wildcards allows you to define a range of IP addresses to be included in the whitelist.

Restricting Comments

Block the ability to leave comments for guest users.

Our blacklist WordPress plugin gives you the ability to create global settings for white/blacklisted domains and emails, as well as establish a distinct whitelist of permitted domains to filter comments from non-registered users on your website.

Comments Allowed Domains
Comments Allowed Domains

Integration With Contact Form 7

Example of Using Blacklisted Email In the Form
Example of Using Blacklisted Email In the Form
The WordPress blacklist plugin supports integration with the Contact Form 7 plugin.

It allows to filter emails which users enter in the custom form, based on your white and blacklists for domains and emails, including DNSBL and Free Domain Lists.

Filtering Spam With The WordPress Blacklist Plugin

  • Protect Your WordPress Site – Prevent spammers from registering to your site
  • Block Spammers – A Great WordPress Anti-Spam plugin that blocks users from suspicious domains
  • Blacklist and Whitelist Domains and Emails – Approve registration of specific users from predefined approved emails or domains
  • Registration Log Support – Log all failed registration attempts

WordPress Email Blacklist Additional Resources

Blacklist Plugin-Related Blog Resources

WordPress Email Registration Blacklist Plugin Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Whitelisting and Blacklisting Features

Email Blacklist

Email Blacklist

Specify email addresses that are not allowed to register, post comments or fill up forms.

Domain Blacklist

Domain Blacklist

Block certain domains entirely and prevent them from registering, posting comments or filling up forms.

IP Blacklist

IP Blacklist

Block certain IPs entirely and prevent them from registering on your site.

Comments Allowed Domains

Comments Allowed Domains

Prevent adding comments from unwanted guest (non logged-in) users by using the list of allowed by you domains and emails. You can either use white and blacklists with emails and domains that are used for registration filtering or you can create a separate whitelist with domains specifically for filtering comments.

Special Characters Restriction

Special Characters Restriction

Prevent account registration with emails that contain more than X special characters.

Wildcard Support

When adding addresses to white and blacklists, you have the flexibility to use full email addresses, domain names, or IP addresses. Alternatively, you can use wildcards to cover specific ranges. Examples:

• For email addresses: *

• For domains: *

• For domain extensions: *.com

• For IP addresses: 127.0.0.*

Email Whitelist

Email Whitelist

Restrict registration, comment posting and forms only to a defined list of allowed emails. A user using another email will not be able to perform those actions.

Domain Whitelist

Domain Whitelist

Restrict only to list of domains which appear on your whitelist.

IP Whitelist

IP Whitelist

Restrict only to list of IPs which appear on your whitelist.

ReCaptcha Support

ReCaptcha Support

Add an extra security layer to protect your site from bots by enabling Google ReCaptcha in the standard registration form.

Special Gmail Support

Special Gmail Support

Recognizes email addresses that use the “+” and “.” symbols in both and domains.


DNSBL Service

DNSBL Service

DNSBL (Domain Name System Blacklists) provides a single place where you can check that blacklist status on more than 100 DNS based blacklists. The plugin connects to the server once a user tries to register, post comments or fill up a form to check if their domain is defined as a spam domain.

Domain, Email and IP Tester

Domain, Email and IP Tester

Check if an email, domain or IP is blacklisted or whitelisted based on any of the rules you have defined. The testing imitates a user trying to register on your site.

Import Emails Lists

Import Emails Lists

Import any number of emails to be blacklisted or whitelisted instantly by using a CSV file.

Custom Denied Messages

Custom Denied Messages

Customize the messages shown to users once their domain or email has been banned.

Free Domains List

Free Domains List

The plugin includes the free and constantly updated SpamAssassin list of suspicious domains to add to your blacklist domains list.

Failed Log

Failed Log

See a list with all failed attempts to register, leave a comment or fill a form, and the reason why the domain or email was banned.

Import Domains Lists

Import Domains Lists

Import any number of domains to be blacklisted or whitelisted instantly by using a CSV file.

Comprehensive Settings

Comprehensive Settings

Control what tools are used to filter domains registration.


CM Registration

CM Registration

Compatible with the CM Registration and Invitation Codes plugin to prevent unwanted registrations.

Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7

Filter emails which users enter in the custom form, based on your white and blacklists for domains and emails, including DNSBL and Free Domain Lists.

Email Blacklist Plugin Plans and Pricing

Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $39 $69 $119
Number of Websites / License Activations 1310
Email Blacklist IncludedIncludedIncluded
Email Whitelist IncludedIncludedIncluded
Domain Blacklist IncludedIncludedIncluded
Domain Whitelist IncludedIncludedIncluded
IP Blacklist IncludedIncludedIncluded
IP Whitelist IncludedIncludedIncluded
Comments Allowed Domains IncludedIncludedIncluded
Special Gmail Support IncludedIncludedIncluded
Wildcard Support IncludedIncludedIncluded
Special Characters Restriction IncludedIncludedIncluded
Domain, Email and IP Tester IncludedIncludedIncluded
Comprehensive Settings IncludedIncludedIncluded
Import Emails and Domains Lists IncludedIncludedIncluded
Failed Log IncludedIncludedIncluded
Custom Denied Message IncludedIncludedIncluded
Free Domain List IncludedIncludedIncluded
DNSBL Service IncludedIncludedIncluded
CM Registration IncludedIncludedIncluded
Contact Form 7 IncludedIncludedIncluded
Google ReCaptcha IncludedIncludedIncluded
CM Secure Login Plugin Not includedIncludedIncluded
CM HTTPS SSL Plugin Not includedNot includedIncluded
CM Admin Tools Plugin Not includedNot includedIncluded
CM Site Access Restriction Plugin Not includedNot includedIncluded
Product Knowledge Base Included Included Included
Priority email support Included Included Included
Product updates Included Included Included
Number of Websites / License Activations 1310
Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $39 $69 $119

WordPress Email Blacklist Plugin Related Use Case Tutorials

WordPress Email Blacklist Plugin Use Cases

  • Limit to Specific Users – Make sure only a defined list of users or domains are able to register or post comments
  • Spam Capture – Filter suspicious emails and assure only real users register, post comments or fill up forms to your service

Email Blacklist Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Can I blacklist multiple domains?

Yes. There is no limit to the number of domains that you can add to the blacklist.

Add as few or as many domains to the blacklist as you require.

Can I retract a blacklisted domain?

Yes. Once added to the blacklist, domains are editable at any point in time and can be removed from the list at any point in the future.

Do the blacklisted users receive notification of failed registration?

Yes. The message the users receive is editable and appears in the plugin setting. The admin can define what the message should say.

Can I use the plugin to find out if a domain is blacklisted?

Yes. Simply go to the “Domain Tester” tab, enter the domain name into the search bar and click the “check” button. The plugin will tell you whether the domain is blacklisted, white-listed, listed in the free domains list or not listed at all.

Can I whitelist a domain that has been defined as invalid?

Yes. The list of invalid domains from SpamAssassin includes some free domains which you may still want to enable registration for, such as Gmail and Yahoo.

Simply add them to your whitelist or disable the blocking of free email domains.

However, before you do that, make sure that particular domain is indeed safe.

Can I restrict by specific emails and not just domains?

Yes. The plugin also supports using the same methods also blacklisting or whitelisting email addresses.

To learn more about Blacklisting email addresses click here or for whitelisting email addresses click here.

Can I filter comments from guest users?

Yes, you can define the whitelist of domains that are allowed to leave comments on your website as guest users. Click here to learn more.

Will this plugin work with the CM Registration plugin?

Yes. It is designed to work together with the CM User Registration and Invitation Codes WordPress Plugin.

Email Blacklist Plugin Image Gallery

Back-end Gallery

Customer Reviews for Email Blacklist

Nathaniel Parker,
The Most Robust Solution
CM’s Email Blacklist was the most robust solution out of all of them in the market, so that’s the one I chose. It’s a ‘world of difference’ fewer spammers than we had before installing the plugin.

@rik0399 at
Killed All Spammers
This plugin works as expected; killed all spammers and false/disposable email addresses which is what I needed for years! No more spammers – wonderful!.

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal