Business Directory Levels Add-On for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Business Directory Levels Add-On for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Offers multiple business level types in the directory, each with unique appearance options and control over fields like description, logo, and videos. Payment support is available through a separate add-on
WordPress Version
5.4.0 or Higher
Tested up to
WordPress 6.6.X
June 8, 2024
5.7 - 8.2.X

Business Directory Levels Add-On

Create a business directory with Free, Basic, Gold and Platinum tiers and charge different amounts for each! Choose what each level can display: images, links, videos…

The Business Directory Levels Add-On adds the levels functionality to the base Business Directory Plugin.

What is a Level

Each business level can display different information on page.

For example, Basic businesses may only display Title and Pitch, while Advanced can showcase website, video and social media links.

Business logo with level icon
Business logo with level icon

Multiple Business Levels

Table shows differences between levels
Table shows differences between levels
Create any number of businesses levels and display them all in a single table.

The name is up to you: Basic, Free, Silver, Mega, Partner...

Each level receives an unique page where you can further explain why it's unique.

Payment Integration

Charge users any amount for having a business with different levels. Create free teaser levels with limited information.

This feature requires the Payments Add-On.

It's even possible to set up subscriptions with recurring payments if you have WooCommerce Subscription or WooCommerce Payments installed.

Adding a level to the cart
Adding a level to the cart

Using Business Directory Levels

  • Create and name levels
  • Set icons for each
  • Add details to their unique pages
  • Showcase them in the levels table
  • Charge users (requires Payments Add-on)

Business Directory Levels Use Case Examples

  • Paid Listing – Set low and high tiers, where only premium businesses can showcase their portfolio. Drive free users to upgrade via different options of levels
  • Branch Directory – List the branches of your corporation. Add unique icons to smaller and bigger units, and only show all information for your headquarters

Business Directory Levels Related Add-ons

Business Directory Levels Prerequisite Plugin

The CM Business Directory Pro plugin is required to use this add-on.

Business Directory Levels Plugin Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

General Business Levels Features

Multiple Levels – Create any number of business tiers with unique names
Unique Levels – Choose which fields each level has access to: links, images, video etc
Unique Pages – Each level has a unique page where you can add extra information
Level Icon – Apply icons to identify the level of a business in their logos
Comparison Table – Show the difference between all levels, including price and available fields, using a single table

Payment Features

Charge Users – Charge users for requesting a business level. Requires the payment add-on
Manually Assignment – The admin can manually change the level of any business
PayPal and More – WooCommerce integration allows for dozens of payment gateways
Subscription – Bill users every month or year for maintaining the level. Requires the WooCommerce Subscription
Notification – The admin receives an email every time users request a level

Business Directory Levels Gallery

Levels Front-End Gallery

Levels Charging Users Gallery

Levels Back-End Gallery

Business Directory Levels Frequently Asked Questions

Basic Questions

What is the purpose of this add-on?

The Business Directory Levels add-on allows you to create different levels or tiers for business within your directory.

Levels grant access to different fields in the profile, motivating your businesses to apply for higher tiers.

What is an example of using Business Levels?

Setting three tiers: Basic, Gold and Diamond.

Basic businesses can register for free and can only show their title and description.

Gold businesses can also show their company information and website. You can manually assign this free tier to users that contact you.

Paying users have access to the Diamond tier, which opens up all fields. This feature requires the payment add-on.

In-Depth Questions

Can I name the levels?

Yes. You can assign a name and description to each level.

Tiers commonly used are Gold, Silver and Bronze or Standard and Premium.

Learn more: CM Business Directory Levels – Creating Levels.

How can users pick a level?

You can place the Levels table anywhere on your website via a shortcode. It displays information and links to all levels, side by side.

Learn more: CM Business Directory Levels – Adding Levels Form To Site.

How can I give more information about levels to my users? Does each level receive a page?

Yes. Every page receives a unique URL which you can edit. These pages are linked from the Levels table.

Learn more: CM Business Directory Levels – Adding Levels Form To Site.

Can the admin change the level of a business?

Yes, at any time, from the Back-End.

Learn more: CM Business Directory Levels – Assigning Levels as Admin.

Is the admin notified when a user applies for a level?

Yes. You can enable and customize email notification for that case.

Learn more: CM Business Directory Levels – Setting up Notifications.


Can I charge users for applying to a level?

Yes. You can apply a price to each level if you are also using the Payment Add-on and WooCommerce.

Learn more: CM Business Directory Levels – Charging Business For Level (One-Time or Subscription).

Can I sell subscriptions?

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal