Video Lessons EDD Payments Add-on for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Video Lessons Payments Add-On for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Video Lessons Payments AddOn allows admin to charge for viewing a video lesson and setting a subscription duration.

Can only be used with CM Video Lessons Manager Pro

WordPress Version
5.4.0 or Higher
Tested up to
WordPress 6.6.X
July 5, 2024
5.7 - 8.2.X

Video Lessons Payments Add-On

The WordPress Video Lessons Payments AddOn allows admin to set a price for viewing a video lesson in your WordPress site.

Selecting Payment Plan

You can set for each lesson several pricing plans each containing a limited duration in which the user can access the videos and watch them on your site.

You can suggest several options for payment and duration for each video lesson.


Showing video lesson with payment message
Showing video lesson with payment message

Cart System

The cart system used by the Video Lessons Payments is Easy Digital Downloads, which has more than 40 available payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, Skrill and many more. Showing cart with payment for watching a video lesson
Showing cart with payment for watching a video lesson

This Add-On is a supplement for the CM Video Lessons Manager Plugin.

Use Case Examples

  • E-learning Monetization – Build a website like Udemy where you can sell your courses based on a pricing plan.
  • Webinars and Online Conferences – Host and charge users subscription to access your live webinars and conference videos.
  • Niche Videos – Create a subscription based website with videos for your niche business, sports, tutorials, and charge users for access.

Using the Video Lessons Payments Add-On

  • Pricing Plans – Set the time period to view videos per each payment
  • Monetize your Video Lessons – Build an online video course system in which you can charge users for watching your content
  • User Dashboard – Show users a dashboard including all active paid video subscriptions they can watch
  • Video Catalog – Show users a catalog of available video lessons they can purchase and watch

Video Lessons Payments Prerequisite Plugin

Video Lessons Payments AddOn Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

  • Support setting several prices per different duration for each video lesson
  • Support showing all available paid video lessons using a shortcode
  • Support showing all user present and past video lessons subscriptions using a shortcode.
  • Allow admin to manually create a subscription for users
  • Support charging per a single video.
  • Allow admin to manually create a subscription for users
  • Support EDD features such as discount, coupons and reporting for payments made
  • Supports all EDD 40+ payments gateways

Video Lessons Payments Image Gallery

Video Lessons Payments Frequently Asked Questions

CM Video Lessons Manager plugin

[cma-questions cat=”videolessons” form=”0″ navbar=”0″ views=”0″ votes=”0″ updated=”0″ answers=”0″ limit=”15″ displaycategories=”0″ sortbar =”0″]

Version 2.1.3 from 20th June 2017

  • Updated licensing package.

Version 2.1.2 from 28th April 2017

  • Fixed an issue with EDD Payments tab not showing on the settings page

Version 2.1.1 from 20th April 2017

  • Modification that recognizes standalone purchasing the EDD products related to Video Lessons.

Version 2.1.0 from 29th Jan 2017

  • Introducing the single video payments.

Version 2.0.0 from 14th Oct 2016

  • Modified plugin to use EDD Downloads instead of a fee feature.

Version 1.1.0 from 05th Oct 2016

  • Added Back link to the channel page on the Receipt page after payment.

Version 1.0.5 27th July 2016

  • Updated licensing dashboard.

Version 1.0.3 24th May 2016

  • Updated licensing dashboard.

Version 1.0.2 20th March 2016

  • Updated licensing api support.

Plugin First Release 11th Feb 2016

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal