CM Tooltip Glossary Changelog


Version 4.3.5 18th May 2024

  • Fixed security issues

Version 4.3.4 16th May 2024

  • Fixed vulnerability issue

Version 4.3.3 15th May 2024

  • Fixed vulnerability issue
  • Version 4.3.2 15th May 2024

    • Return to version 4.3.0

    Version 4.3.1 12th May 2024

    • Fixed bug with bulk selection in the backend

    Version 4.3.0 12th April 2024

    • Security improvement

    Version 4.2.11 31st Jan 2024

    • Fixed the issue with the missing aria-label for tooltip

    Version 4.2.10 25th Dec 2023

    • Update package info

    Version 4.2.9 25th Dec 2023

    • Update plugin package information

    Version 4.2.8 26th May 2023

    • Replaced the option “Avoid parsing protected tags” with “Exclude HTML tags from parsing”

    Version 4.2.7 18th May 2023

    • Fixed the plugin not highlighting terms on the Astra theme

    Version 4.2.5 29th April 2023

    • Added option to fix the endless loop error on the Glossary Index page

    Version 4.2.4 23rd April 2023

    • Fixed issues with the Glossary Index when the alphabetic index is missing
    • Removed the legacy set_timeout code from the main file

    Version 4.2.2 15th March 2023

    • Bug: Small bugfixes
    • Improvement: Improved the performance of the Glossary Index, rewritten the caching system to speed up the sorting

    Version 4.2.0 25th Feb 2023

    • (ONLY IN Ecommerce version!) New Feature: ChatGPT integration
    • Improvement: Changed the way synonyms/variants/abbreviations are working internally
    • Improvement: Performance related code tweaks (for Glossary Index mostly)
    • Improvement: Editlink in toolitp now opens in the new tab
    • Bug: Fixed the bug that stopped the synonyms from being parsed in correct order
    • Bug: Fixed the bug that caused synonyms to appear in the wrong letter (same as the base term)
    • Bug: Fixed the warning about the “forceHighlight” variable not being defined
    • Bug: Fixed the bug with the underline styles of the parsed terms
    • Bug: Fixed some deprecated warnings for PHP 8.2

    Version 4.1.6 29th Dec 2022

    • Bug: Fixed the warning about the “forceHighlight” variable not being defined
    • Bug: Fixed the bug with the underline styles of the parsed terms

    Version 4.1.5 20th Dec 2022

    Version 4.1.4 9th Nov 2022

    • Updated support related links

    Version 4.1.3 31st Oct 2022

    • Bug: Fixed the issue with tooltips not being closed on mouse out

    Version 4.1.2 21st Oct 2022

    • Bug: Fixed fatal error

    Version 4.1.1 21st Oct 2022

    • Bug: Fixed the positioning of the tooltip on the keyboard focus
    • General bugfixes

    Version 4.1.0 6th Sep 2022

    • Security fix

    Version 4.0.10 22nd May 2022

    • Bug fix and compatibility to WP 6

    Version 4.0.5 29th Jan 2022

    • Fixed bugs
    • Improved the builders compatibility (Oxygen builder, Elementor)

    Version 3.9.21 31st Aug 2021

    • Fixed the issue with the missing aria-label
    • Fixed the missing esc for attributes in shortcode

    Version 3.9.20 26th July 2021

    • Fixed the bug in the comment count
    • Fixed the bug in settings

    Version 3.9.19 13th July 2021

    • Re-added the option to distinguish between case sensitive/case insensitive term search
    • Fixed the issue with the text widgets parsing
    • Fixed the PHP 8.0.0 bug

    Version 3.9.18 9th July 2021

    • Fixed the bug in AMP class
    • Added the option to hide from search results

    Version 3.9.17 25th June 2021

    • improved WCAG compliance
    • fixed the package issue
    • fixed the delay when showing tooltips

    Version 3.9.16 21st June 2021

    • Added the default class for tooltip “cmtt” + filter “cmtt_tt_class”
    • Fixed the closing tooltips on mobile when script is minified

    Version 3.9.15 18th June 2021

    • Fixed the bug with the tooltips not closed on the mobile
    • Fixed the conflict with Footnotes

    Version 3.9.14 14th June 2021-

    • Fix the default value for the options

    Version 3.9.13 12th June 2021-

    • re added the options which were accidentally removed

    Version 3.9.12 10th June 2021-

    • Rebuilt of the Free plugin based on Premium version

    Version 3.7.2 18th July 2020-

    • Checked compatibility with PHP 7.4 and WordPress 5.4.2
    • Added compatibility with Guttenberg

    Version 3.7.0 18th Jan 2019

    • Updated the plugin package
    • Support PHP 7.2
    • Added the support for translating the plugin (wrapped two only labels with __() function

    Version 3.6.6 27th Sep 2018

    • Disabled the “PoweredBy” link by default
    • Added the frontend setting for “Author attribution” in General Settings
    • Fixed small layout issue in the Settings

    Version 3.6.4 22nd May 2018

    • Fix for the GDPR support

    Version 3.6.3 18th May 2018

    • Support for GDPR on registration and activation

    Version 3.6.1 23rd March 2018

    • Update user guide section

    Version 3.6.0 11th March 2018

    • Update user guide section

    Version 3.5.9 23rd January 2018

    • Fixed issues with set_time_limit() and headers_already_sent
    • Fixed PHP Notices

    Version 3.5.2 13th March 2017

    • Further improved the PHP 7.0 compatibility

    Version 3.4.2 15th Nov 2016

    • Added the small fix for the ACF
    • Added the small fix for the set_time_limit problem

    Version 3.4.1 18th Oct 2016

    • Fixed the warnings and compatibility problem with PHP 7

    Version 3.4.0 29th Sep 2016

    • Added the option to choose the width of the titles in the tiles view

    Version 3.3.9 28th July 2016

    • Fixed the problem with the single quote

    Version 3.3.7 21st June 2016

    • Changed the capability of Settings from “edit_posts” to “manage_options”

    Version 3.3.5 19th April 2016

    3.3.4 Build 4th April 2016

      • fixed the BuddyPress avatar crop bug.

      3.3.1-2 Build 18th March 2016

        • Changed the data attribute tooltips base on
        • Fixed bug in 3.3.1 and released 3.3.2

        3.2.10 Build 18th Feb 2016

        • Add option to remove Powered by.
        • fix php warning message .

        3.2.9 Build 14th Feb 2016

        • Changes WordPress version compatibility .
        • Made changes in Admin interface.

        Version 3.2.6 Build 20th Nov 2015

        • Fixed the mb_stringtolower
        • Fixed the bug with the link in the notice

        Version 3.2.5 Build 19th Nov 2015

        • Ensured the WordPress 4.4 compatibility

        Version 3.2.2 Build 03rd Nov 2015

        • Changed admin ui
        • Fixed BuddyPress conflict
        • Removed the parsing of the script blocks
        • Removed the parsing of the textareas

        Version 3.1.9 Build 21st July 2015

        • Fixed the bug with terms consisting of just numbers being incorrectly highlighted

        Version 3.1.5 Build 14th May 2015

        • Added some security updates
        • Fixed the bug which stopped the terms from being highlighted on glossary pages

        Version 3.1.4 Build 22nd Apr 2015

        • Fixed the XSS vulnerability in WordPress add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg() functions

        Version 3.1.3 Build 14th Apr 2015

        • Fixed the support for the apostrophes in the Glossary Terms

        Version 3.1.1 Build 18th Mar 2015

        • Change admin menu links structure

        Version 3.1.0 Build 2nd Mar 2015

        • Changes in plugin settings structure

        Version 3.0.6 Build 10th Feb 2015

        • Fixed some small bugs, small code improvements

        Version 3.0.5 Build 30th Jan 2015

        • Improved i18n by wrapping some missing texts in __()

        Version 3.0.4 Build 26th Jan 2015

        • Fixed the bug with the terms not being highlighted for some users

        Version 3.0.2 Build 15th Jan 2015

        • Improved the way tooltip position is calculated – the tooltips should take into account the boundaries of the viewport

        Version 3.0.1 Build 13th Jan 2015

        • Fixed the typo in “Cleanup Database” button

        Version 3.0.0 Build 8th Jan 2015

        • Improved the performance of the Glossary Index page
        • Fixed many bugs/potential bugs
        • Improved security by fixing potential XSS vulnerabilities

        Version 2.8.7 Build 22th Dec 2014

        • Fixed the problem with saving the Settings
        • Added the option to add the backlink from the Glossary Term Pages to Glossary Index Page

        Version 2.8.6 Build 20th Dec 2014

        • Tested compatibility with WordPress 4.1
        • General bugfixing

        Version 2.8.1 Build 26th Aug 2014

        • Fix conflict with JetPack

        Version 2.8.0 Build 13th Aug 2014

        • Added the button on the Settings page allowing to Cleanup the database (erase all the data plugin has saved in the DB)
        • Improved the information about the conflict solving settings on the General Settings page

        Version 2.7.7 Build 26th July 2014

        • Combined the scripts to optimize loading times
        • WARNING! Due to the performance issues on big glossaries, we’ve decided to disable for the terms to have parent

        Version 2.7.6 10th July 2014

        • Fixed php warning
        • Fixed conflict with SEO plugin

        Version 2.7.5 2nd July 2014

        • Added sharing box

        Version 2.7.4 16th June 2014

        • Fixed small html bugs

        Version 2.7.3 2nd June 2014

        • Added Support to Community Extension

        Version 2.7.2 14th May 2014

        • Added Support to accommodate Add-Ons

        Version 2.6.9

        • Fixed the “parse_error” bug in PHP versions <5.3
        • Limited the maximum number of terms displayed on the Glossary Index Page to 500 (to limit the memory usage)

        Version 2.6.8

        • Added setting to run the function displaying the Glossary Index only once
        • Improved the option saving
        • Fixed some PHP notices
        • Fixed the problem with saving the “-None-” Glossary Index Page option
        • Updated the explanation of how the Glossary Index Page is created

        Version 2.6.7

        • Added the menu icon
        • Added setting to disable highlighting only on the “main” WP_Query

        Version 2.6.6

        • Fixed the unclosed div bug
        • Fixed the title of the Glossary Index Page when there’s permalink conflict
        • Displaying “Glossary Index Page ID” settings in separate line
        • Fixed the setting “Avoid parsing protected tags?”

        Version 2.6.5

        • Changed the “Glossary Index Page ID” input from textbox to select
        • Updated the descriptions of “Glossary Index Page ID” and “Glossary Index Page Permalink”
        • Added option to generate the “Glossary Index Page”
        • Added new column in “System Information” with information if the setting is OK

        Version 2.6.4

        • Fixed the bug with ‘persistent’ tooltip

        Version 2.6.3

        • Fixed the bug with Permalinks not being changed on Settings save

        Version 2.6.2

        • Fixed the bug which disabled the Woocommerce support after save
        • Fixed saving the settings

        Version 2.6.1

        • Fixed bugs
        • Added warning message about missing “mbstring” library
        • Added [All] and [0-9] elements to the nav list

        Version 2.6.0

        • Completely redesigned the settings page
        • Refreshed tooltip looks
        • Changed the names of the options

        Version 2.5.2

        • Added the “mbstring” check to the System Information tab
        • Fixed the conflict with “NextGen Gallery”
        • Fixed the bug with “&” character in synonyms

        Version 2.5.0

        • Fixed the conditions in “the_content” filters

        Version 2.4.10

        • Added the support for BuddyPress (custom type for filter: “bp_blogs_record_comment_post_types”)
        • Added “Edit Glossary Item” to the admin bar
        • Fixed the tooltip positioning
        • Added the link to the “Trash” (for trashed glossary terms)

        Version 2.4.7

        • Update the user guide link

        Version 2.4.6

        • Fixed notifications appearing on some plugin installations
        • Fixed the style for the tiles when removed links to glossary pages

        Version 2.4.1

        • Fixed a PHP bug which happened when post_title was empty

        Version 2.3.1

        • Added link in setting to glossary index location

        Version 2.3

        • Updated plugin site links and about pages

        Version 2.2.4

        • Fixed bug with replacing single quotes with backticks
        • tested with WP 3.5.2
        • Fixed slashes before single quotes in tooltip content

        Version 2.2.3

        • Added user guide

        Version 2.2.2

        • Fixed special characters (e.g. umlauts) parsing

        Version 2.1

        • Added revisions to glossary term

        Version 2.0.7

        • Added right single quotation mark to normalization

        Version 2.0.5

        • Content normalized regarding special characters like single quote and ampersand, which were encoded differently based on environment, editor and other factors.

        Version 2.0.4

        • Fixed problem with (*UTF8) flag not being recognized on all PHP environments
        • Added one-time admin notice about PRO version

        Version 2.0.3

        • Fixed problem with html entities in glossary term name (ampersand, apostrophe, etc.)

        Version 2.0.2

        • Install bug fix and add comments to glossary

        Version 2.0

        • Minor fix in styling
        • Allow users with “edit_posts” capability to add/edit glossary terms
        • Added “/u” (UTF8) flag to regex to force UTF8 encoding
        • Glossary main page is now automatically created upon activation if not exists

        Version 1.6

        • Added “open glossary description in new window/tab” option to settings panel
        • Added onclick event on tooltip, so if you using touch device, you just need to click on the tooltip to hide it.
        • Changed parsing mechanism
        • Added backlink

        Version 1.5

        • Added “case-sensitive” option to settings panel
        • Fixed bug when slash character inside glossary term was causing problems
        • Added default z-index:100 to tooltip CSS

        Version 1.4

        • Fixed bug when multiline tooltips were not displayed correctly on Glossary List
        • Fixed bug when glossary list was displayed in the bottom of all pages/posts when Glossary Page ID was not set in Settings
        • Terms that are substrings of current glossary item are not highlighted now on glossary definition page
        • Fixed bug when term with brackets inside was not highlighted
        • Added “Published/Trash” filter for glossary terms

        Version 1.3.1

        • Bug fix with escaped single qoutations

        Version 1.3

        • Reorganize admin menu
        • Added ‘with_front’=false for rewrite item

        Version 1.3


        • Added alphabetical letter index for glossary list
        • Added option to style glossary list as tiles instead of regular list
        • Do not show glossary explanation tooltip when on its explanation page
        • Do not show glossary_exclude tag in tooltips
        • Fix bug when excluded tags were embedded into other excluded tags
        • Fix bug when glossary terms were substrings of other glossary terms and only the shortest was caught (Thanks to Torsten Keil)
        • Fix bug when HTML code in tooltip content causes page to break
        • Thanks for Paul Ryan ( for his code contribution and Sebastian Palus for his addition and bug fixes

        Version 1.1

        • Add A tag to the list of tags to ignore (Thanks to Robert Gilman)
        • Change activation mechanism (Thanks to Robert Gilman)
        • Fix bug when using excerpt (Thanks to Robert Gilman)

        Version 1.0

        • First release nased on revised version on TooltipGlossary
        • Optimized code and bug fix from TooltipGlossary
        • Added glossary_exclude text /glossary_exclude
        • Added filters to clean tooltip text
        • Avoid changing URL using this format: href=’url’ in adition to href=””
        • Add extended functionality including excluding H1, H2, H3, Script, Object tags
        • Use the excerpt (if it exists) as hover text.
        • Remove term link to the glossary page
        • Limits for tooltip length
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