Invitation Codes Content Access Plugin Version History (Changelog)

Version 1.7.1 from the 29th April 2024

  • Improvements: Show input type "tel" for 4 codes input if selected numbers
  • Fixed storing entered code data
  • Added black/white list option to Generate Codes and
  • Import codes functionalities
  • Fixed White Lists

Version 1.6.6 from the 20th Feb 2024

  • Implemented adding generated codes to order note
  • Fixed saving form builder fields for shortcode cmicca_wrapped_content_access_code
  • Fixed duplicate record to Access Log

Version 1.6.5 from the 23rd Nov 2023

  • Fixed expiration of the codes for shortcode cmicca_wrapped_content_access_code

Version 1.6.4 from the 21st Oct 2023

  • Added option to make codes unique
  • Added option for duplicate codes in import function
  • Added option allows duplicate codes for the Edit Code page
  • Added a cron task to clean up missed code data
  • Fixed access check for the shortcode cmicca_wrapped_content_access_code
  • Fixed issue with null IDs for CSV import functionality
  • Fixed autofocus for four digits code in the block

Version 1.6.3 from the 14th Aug 2023

  • Implemented multiple captchas for shortcode cmicca_wrapped_content_access_code
  • Implemented correct backlink URL with params for the option "Don't use a redirect for restricting access to the pages"
  • Implemented the option to limit sending emails per hour for bulk-creating codes
  • Implemented Logs for Generated Payments Codes
  • Implemented an option for Storage type
  • Fixed showing correct backlink URL with params for the option "Don't use a redirect for restricting access to the pages"
  • Fixed checking access for user roles
  • Fixed check expiration date
  • Fixed duplicate results in a search on the admin side
  • Fixed shortcode cmicca_wrapped_content_access_code
  • Fixed for checking access by code
  • Fixed setting file URL in generation codes functionality

Version 1.6.2 from the 23rd April 2023

  • Fixed adding a shared file when creating codes in bulk
  • Fixed specific bugs with access to unblock content
  • Added reCaptcha v2 to protect access form

Version 1.6.1 from the 9th March 2023

  • Styles Fixes and Improvements

Version 1.6.0 from the 2nd Feb 2023

  • Added new functionality: Use one code only on the first used page
  • Optimized the processing of invitation codes
  • Applied custom select lib "select2" to invitation code posts select
  • Fixed issue with reload page if the time expired
  • Added options to display different views for Access Code Form
  • Other minor fixes

Version 1.5.5 from the 6th Nov 2022

  • Fixed problem with invitation time
  • Implemented functionality - URL whitelist
  • Improved plugin security

Version 1.5.4 from the 28th Aug 2022

  • Fixed problem with email sending in other UTC timezone
  • Fixed problem with CSV email sending in other UTC timezone
  • Fixed some warnings and issues in PHP 8

Version 1.5.3 from the 7th July 2022

  • Fixed problem with email subject option

Version 1.5.2 from the 17th June 2022

  • Improved logic for load fast
  • Bugfix related to session out

Version 1.5.1 from the 3rd April 2022

  • Bugfix related to when use html in the labels

Version 1.5.0 from the 16th March 2022

  • Bugfix related to Download CSV after generate sequence codes

Version 1.4.9 from the 19th Feb 2022

  • Bugfix related to WooCommerce product update

Version 1.4.8 from the 15th Feb 2022

  • bugfix related to trash post
  • Fixed bug blocked subpages

Version 1.4.6 from the 2nd Dec 2021

  • Fixed bug with child posts/pages
  • Returned missing WooCommerce options
  • Fixed issue with template codes categories
  • Fixed issue with "Four digits invitation code pattern" option

Version 1.4.5 from the 9th November 2021

  • Fixed bug with "Exclude special chars from code string" option
  • Added cmicca_delete_access_if_session_mode_filter hook
  • Implemented new plugin Setting design

Version 1.4.4 from the 12th September 2021

  • Added: Avoid cache option
  • Added: cmicca_filter_current_page_url hook
  • Added: "Exclude special chars from code string" option
  • Option Ip Limit now available on the "Generate Sequence codes" page
  • Expanded form builder and user data storing functionality

Version 1.4.3 from the 17th August 2021

  • Added Codes Categories
  • Small bugfixes
  • Fixed bug with blocking type URL
  • Added codes filter by categories
  • Fixed issue with cmicca_wrapped_content_access_code shortcode with enabled redirect mode
  • Fixed hardcoded currency symbol in the paybox form
  • Fixed bug with paybox form when WooCommerce is not active
  • Fixed bug related to WooComerce pages
  • Added "Use emails as codes" when import codes from CSV

Version 1.4.2 from the 9th June 2021

  • Fixed bug with "Require specific invitation code" when the Question was not displayed
  • Fixed bug when after code accept the user was returned back to the blocking page
  • Fixed bug with "Matching Invitation Codes" metabox

Version 1.4.1 from the 24th May 2021

  • Updated license package to version 1.9.1

Version 1.4.0 from 16th Many 2021

  • Added ability to build Invitation Code form by Form Builder
  • Added ability to export codes to the CSV file by category filter
  • Added ability to create and send codes by uploading CSV file with emails
  • Fixed bug with page refresh without access to the content, after code entered
  • Fixed Bug with "Duration of session" mode

Version 1.3.13 from 13th April 2021

  • Fixed bug with Code is not valid response
  • Fixed bug with "Once activated, expires after some time"

Version 1.3.12 from 17th March 2021

  • Fixed difference of creating code between Invitation codes page and Generate Sequence codes (Now Blocked Content field the same for both pages)
  • Added new option "Footer count block" Disable or enable footer count block
  • Added new option Select Hours or Days in "How much time the code can be used for" field
  • Fixed bug where plugin stopped blocking pages after plugin update

Version 1.3.11 from 12th March 2021

  • Added new option which allow to attach gift codes to Woocommerce products

Version 1.3.9 from 16th Feb 2021

  • Fixed bug incorrect counter readings
  • Fixed bug with code instant expiration if 'expires on' selected

Version 1.3.8 from 1th Feb 2021

  • Added new setting "Allow to sell invitation codes via products ordered directly from the shop catalog"
  • Added new shortcode [cmicca_wrapped_content_access_code] for partial content.
  • Fixed 'Single view' mode
  • Fixed bug at which codes for partial content allows access to denied page
  • Added the option to enter an email when entering a code
  • Code direct sells settings modernized
  • Fixed 'Show expired only' custom filter
  • Added 'Show codes used at least once' custom filter
  • Reworked 'Show fully used only' custom filter
  • Added existing codes modernization when installing the plugin
  • Fixed some bugs with expired codes
  • Fixed conflict with Advanced Access Manager plugin
  • Fixed few incompatibilities with previous WordPress versions
  • Fixed few small bugs

Version 1.3.7 from 6th Jan 2021

  • Added new mode and setting "Require specific invitation code"
  • Added new code parameter: "Hint/question"
  • Added new code parameter for integration with external tools: "Use code as template"
  • Added new code parameter: "WooCommerce product ID"
  • Added new code parameter: "Show Quantity input"
  • Added new code parameter: "Additional purchase notes"
  • Added new setting "Hide code input characters"
  • Added new setting "Require user to be logged in to use the code"
  • Added new setting "Access denied for specific user roles" (defaults to all available roles)
  • Added new setting "Auto create/update WooCommerce products for invitation codes with price"
  • Added new notification setting "From Name" (defaults to site title)
  • Added new admin notification shortcode [USEREMAIL]
  • Added invitation codes listing custom filters (expired only, used only)
  • Added ability to clone existing template invitation codes
  • Fixed displaying low-level meta parameters under order items (admin, emails)
  • Fixed the bug that allowed viewing protected posts by multiple users using the same browser
  • Fixed email content sent after ordering invitation codes
  • Fixed few small bugs

Version 1.3.6 from 29th Oct 2020

  • Fixed the bug with the single Invitation Code not being saved for Post/Pages
  • Fixed the bug with the code not being properly remembered for the user
  • Improved the CSS for 4-digits code to fix the conflict with some themes
  • Fixed small bugs
  • Added option to disable checking for codes for Administrators

Version 1.3.5 from 10th Oct 2020

  • Added option to set the From e-mail
  • Removed the similar looking characters like I,1,0 and O from generated codes

Version 1.3.4 from 6th Oct 2020

  • Added the option to disable the prefix field for the Four digits code
  • Fixed the bug when importing CSV from older format
  • Added the option to reset all codes to unlimited usage

Version 1.3.3 from 24th Sep 2020

  • Fixed the bug with creating new codes
  • Fixed the bug with matching multiple posts with the same url pattern
  • Added options for generating the codes assigned to posts (in code generator)
  • Added option to filter the Invitation Codes by the sequence they were created with
  • Fixed bug in access log

Version 1.3.2 from 19th Sep 2020

  • Restyled the UI of the plugin
  • Fixed bug with the invitation code e-mails when importing from CSV
  • Fixed the bug with the url matching for the urls containing asterix (*)
  • Fixed the bug with the codes not properly saving for users

Version 1.2.9 from 11th August 2020

  • Added support to sell access code using WooCommerce

Version 1.2.8 from 26th July 2020

  • Bugfix related to multiple URL feature

Version 1.2.7 from 17th July 2020

  • Added support for multiple URL

Version 1.2.6 from 10th July 2020

  • Added new warning message
  • Support more than one URL for each code

Version 1.2.5 from 4th July 2020

  • Added valid from date with access code
  • Added support to locked access code with user
  • Added randomize code generate feature with sequence code section

Version 1.2.4 from 11th June 2020

  • Added delete all codes feature
  • Added four digits access box support
  • Added SMS 2FA feature with CM Secure Login Pro plugin
  • Added support for recover invitation code after admin approval
  • Added manage recover requests section for admin
  • Updated package 1.9.0

Version 1.2.3 from 20th May 2020

  • Added first name and last name with notification email
  • Added shortcode cmicca_recover_access_code for recover invitation code via email
  • Added support to search invitation code from notification first name, last name or email in admin section

Version 1.2.2 from 13th May 2020

  • Improvement in export CSV feature
  • Bugfix related to feature image

Version 1.2.1 from 30th Apr 2020

  • Bugfix related to export access log button

Version 1.2.0 from 27th Apr 2020

  • Added google tag manager data layer on form submission
  • Bugfix in accesscode controller
  • Bug: Fixed the bug in import/export function

Version 1.1.8 from 7th Apr 2020

  • Feature: Added "notification_email" settings to the import file
  • Feature: Added option to specify email subject and email content for user notification
  • Feature: Added automatic sending notification email on CSV import
  • Bug: Fixed the bug in number of usage functionality when access authentication based on cookie

Version 1.1.7 from 31st Mar 2020

  • Added access authentication based on cookie
  • Updated package 1.8.10

Version 1.1.6 from 27th Feb 2020

  • Improvement for external file feature

Version 1.1.5 from 9th Feb 2020

  • Bugfix in access code controller

Version 1.1.4 from 22nd Jan 2020

  • Added support to download external files
  • Improvement in limiting the time feature

Version 1.1.3 from 8th Jan 2020

  • Bugfix in limiting the time feature

Version 1.1.2 from 27th Dec 2019

  • Add time limit functionality

Version 1.1.1 from 19th Dec 2019

  • Resolved fatal error while edit user profile

Version 1.1.0 from 6th Dec 2019

  • Added documentation links

Version 1.0.9 from 4th Dec 2019

  • Bugfix related to disclaimer popup undefined text

Version 1.0.8 from 27th Nov 2019

  • Bugfix related to access code with session

Version 1.0.7 from 18th Nov 2019

  • Ability to add multiple hide specific content on the post/page with shortcode

Version 1.0.6 from 14th Nov 2019

  • Bugfix related to access code enter button
  • Ability to hide specific content on the post/page

Version 1.0.5 from 12th Oct 2019

  • Bugfix related to access code
  • Bugfix related to disclaimer feature

Version 1.0.4 from 29th June 2019

  • Added option for a per each code to have a disclaimer text field

Version 1.0.3 from 19th June 2019

  • File upload and sharing support

Version 1.0.2 from 24th May 2019

  • Added "Access denied page URL" page on installation
  • Fix bug in URL access

Version 1.0.1 from 22nd May 2019

  • Added notifications feature
  • Added GDPR feature
  • Added option to export all log file

Version 1.0.0 13th Jan 2019

  • First Release
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