Curated List Manager Knowledge base Plugin for WordPress by CreativeMinds

WordPress Curated Lists Manager – Content Curation Plugin

The WordPress Curated Lists Manager plugin empowers users to organize links and aggregate content around categories and tags, showcasing them on multiple curated lists.
This versatile plugin is ideal for content marketing and building a WordPress knowledge base, offering an engaging way to share information.

WordPress List Manager Plugin and Content Curated Solution

The WordPress Curated Lists Manager plugin allows you to create a curated knowledge base. Build curated lists of links and information arranged by category.

This WordPress content curation plugin is a great content marketing tool allowing users to build all kinds of lists with curated content. Lists can include recommended reading lists, WordPress bullet lists, WordPress widget lists. You can arrange knowledge around clusters of categories and subcategories

Filtering Curated List Content

Each curated list can be shown using a shortcode on any page or post and users can filter the information with a live search filter, by categories or tags.

A sidebar widget can also be used to display a single category with curated links.

This WordPress list plugin is easy to use, easy to customize, and works well with every WordPress theme. This allows for easy and effective content curation.

Filtering Curated Lists by Keywords
Filtering Curated Lists by Keywords

Creating WordPress Knowledge Base

Complete Curated List Knowledgebase
Complete Curated List Knowledgebase
Curated List Plugin is also a great tool for building a professional WordPress knowledge base of all related articles and links to a specific subject area, to improve knowledge sharing.

Creating Assignments and To-Do Lists

It is possible to add a checkbox near each item turning it into an assignment list which users can use to check off what they have completed.

The curated list manager will save user posting based on a cookie assigned to each specific user.

To-Do list inside the Curated List
To-Do list inside the Curated List

Display Lists With Different Topics On Separate Pages

Shortcode Parameters
Shortcode Parameters
Links can be placed inside categories, and categories can be placed within lists. This way multiple lists can be created and placed on different pages each having several categories and each category having multiple links.

The shortcode for displaying lists has a few parameters.

It allows you to display lists on specific topics each arranged and filtered by categories and tags on separate pages.

Categorize Links With Tags

Mark specific links with tags to improve user’s experience of using your curated lists. Create tags and make their appearance unique with different colors.

Tag 'New' For Recent Links

You can also mark all recently added links with the tag 'New'.

This tag can be automatically assigned to the new link and then unassigned after passing a specific period of time.

'New' Tag Settings
'New' Tag Settings

Auto-checking 404 Links

Example of 404 Link
Example of 404 Link
The plugin allows to automatically check all links if they are working.

If the link is not accessible, it will be marked with a relevant icon.

You can also check and update the status of each link manually.

404 Links Dashboard

The plugin also has a handy dashboard where a full list with all 404 links are displayed.

Here you can easily manage them - edit, open, recheck or update the status.

404 Links Dashboard
404 Links Dashboard

How to Build a Curated List or Professional Knowledge-base

Add New Link Options
Add New Link Options

  1. Start by defining the list name
  2. Define all related categories you are going to use
  3. Start adding links to the categories you have defined
  4. In each link you can add additional text which will appear on hover, text to appear below link and a small image
  5. For selected links you can optionally define if a checkbox will appear beside them
  6. You may add tags and define the related tags for each link
  7. You may add access restrictions per category while specifying user WordPress role
  8. You can use a CSV file to import all links to the plugin while specifying category, URL, Title and Description

How to Display your Curated List

  • Place the list shortcode on any page or post
  • You can display a single category of curated links in a sidebar widget
  • Once the curated list is displayed, users may filter list links by a tag, category or free text filtering
  • A favicon is automatically shown near each link in the list
  • A NEW tag is shown for items which are not older than the defined amount of days set in the plugin settings.

Using the WordPress Curated Lists Manager Plugin

  • Curated List Tool – Build a curated list of articles and links on your site that is ideal for effective content marketing
  • Curated Content Aggregation with Categories and Subcategories – Build a small knowledge base arranging information by categories and subcategories
  • Reading List – Prepare a reading list available for students
  • Assignment List – Prepare a to-do list with a checkbox to mark what was already done
  • Alternative Links – Insert a phone number or email address instead of a link. The plugin will display relevant icons and buttons to let users know that they can call or send a message by clicking on them.
  • Arrange Blog Posts – Arrange your site blog posts in a curated list together with other external links
  • Arrange Files – Arrange your files in a curated list. Each list item can include text as well the link to download the file itself
  • Easily Edit – Edit every item list and category easily: the front-end has shortcuts so the admin can modify all

WordPress Curated Lists Plugin and WordPress Additional Resources

Curated List Plugin and WordPress KnowledgeBase Features

Basic Features

Multiple lists

Multiple lists

User can create multiple lists and place them anywhere on a page or a post.

Tags support

Tags support

Tags can be add to each item and appear as the visual part of each item. The user can filter list items by tags. User can set color for each tag.

Simple content aggregation

Simple content aggregation

Easily collect information on a common topic to improve organization.

Link type

Link type

List item can have an icon or a checkbox. Once used with a checkbox, the plugin remember each user selection using a tracking cookie. This is good for to-do lists.

Fast filtering support

Fast filtering support

User can filter list items by text, categories or tags.



Let users vote for each list item by liking and/or disliking.

Multiple categories

Multiple categories

Create a list with any number of categories and subcategories.

Category access control

Category access control

Define which users can see the content related to each category – all users, logged-in only, specific user roles or the category author only.



Each list item can have a subtitle text which appears under the link title.

Phone or email instead of a link

Phone or email instead of a link

Insert a phone number or email address instead of a link. The plugin will display relevant icons and buttons to let users know that they can call or send a message by clicking on them.

Social sharing

Social sharing

Option to show each list with a social sharing and like buttons near each item in the list.

Editable labels

Editable labels

All plugin labels can easily be edited and localized from plugin settings.

Curated List Tools



You can easily add links to your curated list while adding a bookmarklet to your browser bar. Clicking on it will open a pop-up showing a link to the most important fields.

Category widget and shortcode

Category widget and shortcode

Supports both a widget to display a category with all links and also a shortcode to be placed on any post or pages showing all links related to category. Support category access restriction by user role.

Import and Export

Import and Export

Export all links to a CSV file which contains the category, URL, Title, Description and slug. Easily import it to another site.

Auto-checking 404 Links

Auto-checking 404 Links

The plugin automatically checks all links inside the list items to make sure they are working. You can also check and update the status of each link manually.

Easy admin editing

Easy admin editing

The admin can use quick links to edit list items and categories from the Front-end.

Drag and Drop Ordering

Ordering organization

Order categories within each list and list items within each category using drag and drop interface.

Import blog categories and links

Import blog categories and links

Site blog posts and categories can be imported to the curated list manager.

404 Links Dashboard

404 Links Dashboard

The plugin has a handy dashboard where you can manage all 404 links – edit, open, recheck or update the status.

Curated List Appearance



Each curated list item can have a relevant favicon.



Each link can have up to 3 documents attached.

Category background color

Category background color

User can choose to set a background color for each category.

Last update date

Last update date

In each list show the last update date.

Mark new list items

Mark new links

You can define in the plugin setting to automatically mark links not older than X days with the tag NEW.

Tags Legend

Tags Legend

Give users more information about tags by displaying the legend with their descriptions at the bottom of the list.



Each list item can have an image beside the favicon which appears on the right side of the item. Users need to specify for each item the image URL.



Each list item can have a video which appears under the list item. Users need to specify for each list item the video URL (YouTube or Vimeo).

Styling options

Styling options

User can define several options for the look and feel of the list, including the tooltip color, the category background colors, font size and more to help enhance readbility and visability.

Number of items/links included in list

Number of items/links included in list

For each list shows the number of items included in the list to make organization simple.

User customized personalization

User customized personalization

Each user can personalize the display by unchecking the categories they do not want to view in a specific list for more effective content curation.

Mobile Responsive View

Mobile Responsive View

The curated list will be automatically displayed in 1 column on mobile devices to fit the device size.

Curated List Manager Plugin Plans and Pricing

Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $39 $119
Number of Websites / License Activations 13
Multiple categories Included Included
Multiple links Included Included
Multiple lists Included Included
Tags support Included Included
Simple content aggregation Included Included
Link type Included Included
Subtitle Included Included
Order Links in Category Included Included
Social Sharing Included Included
Voting Included Included
Import Blog Categories and Links Included Included
Shortcodes Included Included
Category widget and shortcode Included Included
Ordering organization Included Included
Bookmarklet Included Included
Import and Export Included Included
Easy Admin Editing Included Included
Favicons Included Included
Image Included Included
Video Included Included
Attachments Included Included
Phone or email instead of a link Included Included
Fast filtering support Included Included
Category background color Included Included
Styling options Included Included
Last update date Included Included
Number of items/links included in list Included Included
Mark new links Included Included
User customized personalization Included Included
Editable labels Included Included
CM Tooltip Glossary Plugin (Ecommerce) Not included Included
CM FAQ Plugin Not included Included
CM Table of Contents Plugin Not included Included
CM Footnotes Plugin Not included Included
CM Curated RSS Aggregator Plugin Not included Included
CM Curated Twitter Aggregator Plugin Not included Included
Product Knowledge Base Included Included
Priority email support Included Included
Product updates Included Included
Number of Websites / License Activations 13
Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $39 $119

Curated List Manager Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin

Can I share the same category in two lists?

Yes. Each category can be included in more than one list. This allows for more freedom with content curation

Can I order the links on each category?

Yes. Links in each category can be ordered manually or by alphabetic descending or ascending order. There are also other supported ordering methods. This allows for personalized list curation and organization

Can you create an unlimited amount of curated lists?

Yes. You can define any number of list, you can show each by a separate shortcode on a new page or post, for clear and concise content curation

Can I import the links to my list?

Yes plugin supports importing links from a CSV file format making it easier to build large knowledge bases or importing content from an external resource

How many links can be added to a curated category?

There is no limit to the number of links which can be added to a category or to a list. Each list can have any number of categories and each category can have any number of links, giving you more freedom for curation

Can I add phone numbers or email addresses to the list instead of links?

Yes, you can. The plugin will mark phone numbers and email addresses with the relevant icons. Clicking on them will display the buttons that allow users to make a call or send a message. Learn more about it this Help Article

WordPress Curated Knowledge-base Plugin Online Demo


Curated List Manager Plugin Image Gallery

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