4 Reasons To Get Hyped For The SEO Keyword Hound Plugin [Part 1]

Michael Dalton

Our SEO Keyword Hound plugin is a vital SEO tool.

4 Reasons To Get Hyped For The SEO Keyword Hound Plugin [Part 1]

The influence of Keywords on how search engines rank websites is one of the key factors (hence the name!) in how highly they place for that search.

So understanding and using Keywords correctly is a fundamental part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

4 Reasons To Get Hyped For The SEO Keyword Hound Plugin [Part 1]

Due to the sheer number, many sites compete against each other to secure that illusive number one spot on search engines. Failing the number one spot, improving ranking leads to a higher profile page, more clicks and all the good things that brings.

And there is a gap in the market for a plugin which acts as a tool for comparing pages from a users website, to any given number of competitors. The few solutions that try to encompass all of this fall short – they are all bark and no bite.

As such, we decided created our tool to fill that need. We call our faithful plugin Keyword Hound. And it’s used to sniff out what the competition are doing.

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A Look at Keyword Hound in Action

Sample of Keyword management by Keyword Hound - 4 Reasons To Get Hyped For The SEO Keyword Hound Plugin [Part 1]

Keyword Hound in Action

This is a very simple shot of Keyword Hound in action. The left column shows the Keywords we have for this page.

Moving along the columns we can see the total density, along with where in our post keywords appear.

It is a powerful data driven tool that gives you a snapshot analysis and the ability to manage and control your Keywords.

Today, we’ll focus on Keyword Hound’s ability to manage and control data for Keywords and keyphrases. And why these are reasons to be hyped!

Reason 1: Powerful and Unlimited Keyword Management

Reason 1: Powerful and Unlimited Keyword Management - 4 Reasons To Get Hyped For The SEO Keyword Hound Plugin [Part 1]

While we definitely wouldn’t recommend managing about 1,000 keywords per article, it can actually perform this function. This also means it can track any other word that is essential to a page.

So, SEO specialists can track not only Keywords in the article, but LSI’s (Latent Synaptic Index’, basically the words and phrases search engines would expect to find around your Keywords).

This is also useful for message management and discipline. Always wanted one keyword to be associated with another on your site? The Hound can mark both as keywords and track them down, ensuring both are used.

In Action: Pinning the Truly Vital Keywords.

Pinning Keywords in Keyword Hound - 4 Reasons To Get Hyped For The SEO Keyword Hound Plugin [Part 1]

Pinning Keywords in Keyword Hound

There is still a difference between a keyword, and a KEYWORD!!!

One example: in an article about our FAQ plugin, the keywords “FAQ”, “WordPress plugin” and “question” are much more relevant than “accordion menu”, “predictive widget” and “indexing content” among others. And our Keyword Hound plugin allows users to treat them as VIP – it’s as simple as pinning them.

Pinned keywords always appear at the top of the analytic display, allowing users to process that data with ease. Saves time and clicks.

In Action: Alternate Keyword Management

Keyword Hound showing off a few Keyword Management tricks - 4 Reasons To Get Hyped For The SEO Keyword Hound Plugin [Part 1]

Keyword Hound showing off a few Keyword Management tricks. Creating and clustering with ease!

Keyword Hound can treat keywords as separate entities or cluster them.

This is useful if there is more than one way of typing a word or phrase, if it is pluralized or not, or if a word or phrase can be written in different tenses.

For example, “Hound”, can be clustered with “Hounds”, “Dogs”, “Dog” “Doggie” “Pooch”, “Puppy” and “Good Boy!”. And after a small amount of data-entry, made thankfully easy with the Hounds support for CSV (Comma Separated Values) files, the results for the entire cluster can be displayed for the single main Keyword.

In Action: KPIs!

Keyword Hound in action - 4 Reasons To Get Hyped For The SEO Keyword Hound Plugin [Part 1]

Key Performance Indicators for keywords

Key Performance Indicators are also highlighted for both keywords AND alternate keywords.

The Keyword House can happily catch all the data from your own keywords, where they are used on your page, are they in headers, first 100 words, title, slugs, meta-data etc.

These are then displayed in an easy to use metabox that slots right into the standard WP admin layout.

Read the next part: Give The Competition A Good Licking – SEO Keyword Hound [Part 2].

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