How to Enhance Your WordPress SEO Using the CM Tooltip plugin

Ditsa Keren

Enhancing your WordPress SEO is a tricky task, which can be addressed in many different ways.

How to Enhance Your WordPress SEO Using the CM Tooltip plugin

Although the CM Tooltip plugin is not primarily defined as a WordPress SEO plugin, it’s pro, pro+ and eCommerce editions can most certainly be used as traffic and SEO boosters, particularly on the link building front.

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How can CM Tooltip be used as a WordPress SEO plugin?

One of the most basic functions of CM Tooltip is it’s ability to generate links between terms in your site content and specified term pages. All it takes is for a user to click on the tooltip, and they’ll be taken straight to the term page, where lots of other links can be found.

Depending on your admin settings, those links could potentially be directing the user to dozens of custom links, both internal and external. However, even without any special customization, they would most commonly link to the index page, other related glossary term pages, and related posts that contain relevant info on the same subject.

Custom settings to strengthen your link structure:

If you want to utilize the features available with CM Tooltip to enhance your WordPress SEO, here are some customization options to consider:

Limit the number of characters displayed in the tooltip:

Shorter and partial tooltip definitions can be used as a teaser for users to carry on reading by moving to the term page, where they’ll be exposed to more content and more links. Define the max number of characters via the plugin settings, under the Tooltip tab.

Create custom links

If you choose to create custom links, you will be able to define a link structure that is based on your content marketing strategy and user flow analysis, rather than an automated user flow. This is also where the Log & statistics Add-on comes in handy, as it helps analyse how your users are interacting with your glossary, which terms are often clicked, which could be improved and other useful data.

Custom links can be created for each term page individually. For more information please refer to our user guide.

Modify the links generated by the “related articles” widget

By default, “related articles” will include all the pages and posts where a specified term appears. Using the custom related articles feature gives you more control over where you want those links to refer your site visitors, regardless of whether they contain that particular term or not.

For more info on custom related posts please refer to the CM Tooltip user guide.

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