Improving Sales With Promotional Coupons in Magento

Ditsa Keren

Looking to get more sales for your Magento store? When trying to attract more visitors to your website, there are a variety of ways to draw people in and create customers This includes things like good SEO, multiple advertising options, and more.


Improving Sales With Promotional Coupons in Magento

But now you’ve attracted potential customers to your website, and you want them to stay there. They need to browse your products and easily navigate to find the products or services they are looking for and make a purchase.

Now those potential customers have found what products they are looking for and add them to their shopping cart. They still need to click and purchase the items they want for the sale to be successful

In order to make that final sale happen, sometimes the customer needs an incentive. An incentive can be a discount or a coupon code that reduces the price and makes the sale more attractive to the buyer.

Coupons are also a way to avoid having abandoned carts, as customers will go back and complete sales with discounted prices. In addition, returning to a website with a discount may prompt more sales from that customer.

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Product Review Incentive Coupon Extension

The Product Review Incentive Coupon extension encourages customers to add a product review to your website in exchange for a discount coupon. This creates an incentive for a customer to return to your website and make purchases.

This extension can help improve overall sales by sending out automated emails to inform customers that they can get a discount coupon if they leave a product review.

All of the reviews of course need to be approved by the admin, so if the products review is rejected then a coupon code is not sent to the customer.

Additionally, admin has the ability to track and see which coupons are being used, as well as determining the length of time that a coupon is valid.

This extension also provides email templates for the admin to choose from, as well as HTML options, rich formatting, and adding images.

Custom Coupon Code Error Messages Extension

This Custom Coupon Code Error Messages extension lets the admin create customized messages to show at checkout when a coupon error occurs. These messages inform the customer why a coupon is not working.

Having a coupon code provides an incentive for the customer to complete a sale, but the coupon code has to work. When a coupon code does not work, this creates frustration for the customer and they may never buy from your website.

This extension displays custom coupon code error messages when coupon codes are entered and don’t work at checkout. It also tracks and manages coupon code error messages.

This coupon code error messages are easy to customize and they are available in tons of different languages, so your customers will always be able to read them.

Improving Sales With Promotional Coupons

Some examples of custom coupon code error messages are:

  • the conditions of this coupon have not been met
  • The coupon code is expired
  • The coupon has already been applied
  • Customer login is required to use the coupon
  • The coupon code does not exist
  • This coupon code is only assigned to a specific customer group
  • Other – any other reason for rejecting a coupon

If a customer enters a wrong coupon code, they can now get a custom error saying “this coupon does not exist.” If the customer is not logged in or does not belong to the correct customer group, they can get a similar relevant error message.

If the coupon code is expired, the customer can get a specific error message and understand why the coupon cannot be applied.

If a coupon promotion doesn’t seem to be working well, the admin can see a statistics report module for each coupon according to the number of times a specific error message was displayed.

This shows admin the problems customers are having with each coupon code, so that they can make changes accordingly.

Managing Coupons - Improving Sales With Promotional Coupons in Magento

This can give administrators answers to questions like “what’s happening with my promotion” and “why am I not getting sales?”

Now you can see if it is because custom coupon conditions are set too high, or because people do not understand how to use the coupons. It could also be an error with the assignment to a specific customer group.

This report gives insight into the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and helps admin catch errors they may have made when setting up promotions.


Improving Sales With Promotional Coupons in Magento

Magento stores can use custom coupon codes for specific customer groups and define specific conditions while keeping customers informed if a coupon doesn’t work. They no longer have to leave customers guessing as to the problem.

This also prevents complaints about coupon codes not working from being flooded to your customer service representatives. Instead of contacting them, the customer will know why their coupon didn’t work and make their next decision based on the reason why.

Overall, Magento store owners get better conversion rates for their coupon promotions in Magento. When more coupons are applied successfully, there are more sales made.

Providing customers with an incentive can also make purchasing a product more attractive. When customers buy a product, they are more likely to buy again if you provide a discount.

Also, asking customers for a review in exchange for a coupon code for further purchasing is almost like getting a free product, and your products get real customer testimonials and reviews.

Allowing the emails to be scheduled out and setting time limits on when coupon codes can be used is a good strategy for creating multiple returning customers. People will make more sales if they can save more money.

When customers are buying online, they tend to trust product reviews, so the more reviews you have, and the more positive reviews you have, the more sales you will likely have.

Product reviews provide valuable information about how a product works and any issues that the customer experienced while using it. Using coupons in exchange for product reviews is a marketing tactic which is very effective and yields financial success.

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