9 Magento eCommerce Experts to Follow on Twitter

David Rashty

Whether you are new to eCommerce, or a seasoned developer, you should follow the field’s influencers to keep up to speed with this dynamic platform. If you want to stay in the loop, Twitter is the go-to platform.

9 Magento eCommerce Experts to Follow on Twitter

These passionate Magento eCommerce experts have plenty of tips and tricks, important insights, and great reviews of useful extensions and add-ons that will make your life easier.

As active social media users and Magento eCommerce gurus, many of these experts are happy to respond to your questions.

Who should you follow to get the best and most relevant tweets on your feed? Check out our diverse list of Magento eCommerce experts, find the personalities that resonate with you, and get plugged in to the Magento eCommerce world!

The list is not in any particular order. All of these people have something different to offer in expertise and social media approach. Some of these users offer quirky tech tips, while other report on and promote Magento and eCommerce professional events.

Many of the users that made our list have years of experience in business management, web development, and eCommerce solutions. There’s something here for everyone. So get tweeting!

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First of all, be sure to follow the official Magento twitter account and CreativeMinds. Next, check out our additional suggestions of official and community Magento accounts to follow on Twitter. You can find these additional suggestions at the bottom of the page.

Magento Ecommerce Experts

Alan Storm

Creator of Commerce Bug, author of No Frills Magento Layout. I help programmers have fewer crap days

Magento and ECommerce experts Alan Storm - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on TwitterAmong Magento eCommerce experts, Alan Storm is a great person to follow on twitter if you’re interested in the technical side of Magento. Moreover, Alan’s tweets are full of whit and observations that anyone can appreciate. His tweets reflect his true passion for web development.

Magento and ECommerce experts Alan Storm - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on Twitter

Ashley Schroder

Magento Developer. Creator of http://magespeedtest.com – Magento speed testing & http://magesend.com – Magento email awesome

Magento ecommerce experts - Ashley Schroder - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on TwitterAshley Schroder is a highly regarded Mangeto developer who loves reaching out to his followers with questions, advice, and news. Ashley’s second passion is music, so he often tweets videos of his favorite songs and albums.

magento ecommerce experts-ashley

Ben Marks

Evangelist @ Magento • http://bit.ly/magento-ben • husband of the inimitable @iopflygirl • @GuilfordCollege

Magento ecommerce experts - Ben Marks - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on TwitterBen Marks is a great person to follow for Magento insights and news. If you are looking for a personal touch on your twitter feed, Ben will fill you in on the happenings of his life, including his extensive professional travel.

magento ecommerce experts-ben

Bob Schwartz

Love Building Commerce Companies | Enable others Success | xPresident Magento | Board Good360 | Founder http://NORDSTROM.com | Speaker | Hubby, Dad |

Magento ECommerce Experts - Bob Schwartz - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on TwitterBob Schwartz was the President of Magento for three years before the company was acquired by eBay. Bob continues to be a pioneer and thought leader on eCommerce, Retail, and Brands. His tweets are where retail and tech meet.

Magento ECommerce Experts-Bob Schwartz - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on Twitter

Daniel Sloof

Smart Ecommerce — Allowing elite Ecommerce companies to flatten their customer acquisition costs. Bestselling author on success, and also future of technology.

magento ecommerce experts-Daniel Sloof - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on TwitterDaniel Sloof is an independent Magento developer who is a frequent and lively contributor to the Magento community. Follow Daniel for insightful comments about his current work. He also loves reaching out to his followers with techie questions and astute observations.

magento ecommerce experts-daniel sloof - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on Twitter

Jayanti Solanki

Web Professional-Over 6+ years of experience in Web. Specializing in HTML and open source frameworks such as WordPress, Magento, Joomla and Responsive Web

Jayanti SolankiJayanti Solanki is a seasoned web professional who cares deeply about the human aspect of technology. His tweets celebrate diversity and women’s inclusion in the Magento eCommerce field, in addition to offering a wealth of tips about Google search trends.

magento ecommerce experts-jayanti - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on Twitter

Kimberely Thomas

Technical Director/Leader, Magento Evangelist and Event Planner. Managing Partner @interactiv4. Proud soccer Mom.”

magento ecommerce experts-Kimberely Thomas - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on TwitterKimberely Thomas shares tons of news about Magento events and new releases. Be sure to follow Kimberely to get inspired by the most current discussions and news from Magento conferences and other professional events. She is a frequent event participant and reports regularly.

magento ecommerce experts-kimberely - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on Twitter

Ralf Schwoebel

Coding for a better web since 1995 – The truth about eCommerce, databases, SEO, StartUp, Apps and coding… : German and English!

Magento Ecommerce experts-Ralf Schwoebel - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on TwitterRalf Schwoebel is definitely someone to follow for a bit of inspiration! He is very passionate about eCommerce startups and offers wise tidbits to get your new business rolling, as quickly and as intelligently as possible.

Magento ecommerce experts-ralf - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on Twitter

Tom Robertshaw

Co-founder of @Meanbee, an ecommerce and Magento agency, and @askhivemind, a technology research and insight company.”

magento ecommerce experts-Tom RobertshawTom Robertshaw has fun with Twitter and this is a treat for his followers. He tweets tons of videos and photos from the professional events he participates in and will be sure to get you excited about the latest advancements in the field!

magento ecommerce experts-tom robertshaw - 9 Magento ECommerce Experts to Follow on Twitter

More Suggestions

Our list, while diverse, is not exhaustive. There are plenty of other Magento eCommerce experts who are worthy of making the list. Luckily, the community is vibrant and interactive. Many of the users we profiled retweet their peers. Once you follow one person, you are sure to benefit from the community as a whole.

Finally, we have a few more suggestions of official and community Magento accounts you may be interested in following:

The official Magento account is a must-have! @magento

Follow Magento Market to be the first to know about new extensions and community news!

Get support from the Magento developer community! @ask_magento

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