Collecting Magento Newsletter Registration Data

Ditsa Keren

Learn more about collecting Magento Newsletter Registration Data.

Collecting Magento Newsletter Registration Data

Since we started to provide email marketing solutions for our eCommerce clients, a lot of them began to understand the importance of monitoring their newsletter subscribers from within their online Magento based store. This is how the idea of the Magento Newsletter Registration extension first came about.

We first recommended to our clients to use promotions, discount coupons and other encouragements to get people to subscribe to their newsletter. This is an easy and effective way to get them in touch with their target audience.

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This started to work fine but when we actually wanted to analyze the data in Magento, we were unable to understand in detail whether or not our coupons were working at getting subscribers.

Are we getting more subscribers because of the coupons? Are newsletter subscribers buying in our store? What promotion or coupon made them subscribe to our newsletter?

Collecting Magento Newsletter Registration Data

The first thing we noticed is – by default Magento does not save the newsletter subscribers subscription date, this essential field was missing and we could not therefore analyze the number of subscriptions by date, so we weren’t able know which promotion on which date really worked.

Furthermore, Magento’s missing data made it very difficult to know if the newsletter subscriber ever made a purchase on the store. To find out more information about our newsletter subscribers, we had to code it in manually – we first downloaded a subscribers list and then downloaded the order list with email address, and then tried to compare the two lists. This approach was tedious and not accurate.

We also wanted to know where and on what page the customers subscribed from. Did they click subscribe in the checkout? or maybe it happened on the popup registration form we added, or maybe it was just when they registered from the footer on a product page.

To solve this issue we created the Advanced Newsletter Registration extension for Magento. this extension answers exactly these issues and adds a registration date to Magento’s newsletter subscribers table in the admin panel, as well remembering the date and page from which the user registered, and in addition to this, also the first order date of all subscribers to the newsletter.

Collecting Magento Newsletter Registration Data

Since our customers started to use our Magento Newsletter Registration extension for the analysis of their coupons and promotions, their knowledge of their newsletter subscribers has become much better, and we can now actually do something with the data in the newsletters subscribers displayed in the Magento admin panel.

For more information please visit the extension page.

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